The 1999 New York City Stickball Classic
Amidst a level of controversy and intense play synonymous with the sport, the
1999 New York City Stickball Classic came to a climactic end as the Latinos
defeated the Bronx Knights 3-2 to become the champions (read about it
The Stickball Classic, sponsored by Spalding, Modell's, The Daily News, and
WABC Talk Radio, included competitions in each of the 5 boroughs and New
Jersey. Winners of competitions met in the finals to determine who was the
best in the game. Money raised from the event is being donated to the Police
Athletic League.
Throughout the summer and early fall, Streetplay provided full coverage of the
games and teams involved. Use the section guide at the left to
help you browse through all of our coverage. Relive the competition and learn
about the people that made this a classic NYC event!