Mop handle: the original multipurpose tool by Stu Hoffman (Brooklyn NY, circa 1954) - I grew up in the Boro Park section of Brooklyn in the 15 Ave. and 42 Street area. Back in the early 50s, when I was between 10-12 years old, we played street stickball almost every day during the summer vacation. Most of the games were pick up teams depending upon who was around. The rules we played under were informal and simple.
We used the manholes as the distance markers for single, double, triple, etc. One day, our trusty bat (a broom handle) splintered near the end of a tense game. What to do? Suddenly, someone remembered a lady had just hung her wet mop out on her first floor clothes line to dry. Figuring she wouldn't need the mop soon, we unscrewed the mop handle, finished our game, and gently reconnected the handle to the drying mop head. She was unaware that it was "borrowed." |
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