My Junk Drawer by Jeanne

It's in here somewhere!
When I was little kid growing up on the lower east side, we didn't have very
much, but I didn't know any better. So I made my own fun with what we had.
Toys were scarce, so I occupied my time playing with the stuff in my Junk
Drawer. We had a porcelain top table with four drawers on the underside of it.
We used two of them for utensils. And two of them were mine to put whatever,
I wanted it in. And filled to the brim, it was.
In my junk drawer, I had rolls of color string, bottle tops when soda came in
a bottle, and they were filled with orange peels that I used to play
Skill-zees with. Broken chalk and crayons were
plentiful in there. Shiny buttons, safety pins and clothespins were a favorite
of mine. I would tie a string from one chair to the other and then make
believe it was the post office. I would write a letter and then pin my papers
to the string. Looking back we were really inventive on the games we played.
I did have reason to meet with an old friend this past year, and one of the
first things she remembered was "my junk drawer." She said she was envious of
it. I had never given this as second thought. Why would anyone be envious of a
bunch of junk?