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9/7/03: Team Next Back to School Invitational in North Harlem
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A classic setting for Streetplay

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Team Next: Michael Mays (second from right) stands between Roberto Clemente Jr. and Valerie.
There's even more pictures below!


When Michael Mays (son of baseball legend Willie Mays) contacted us to help him and his organization Team Next with the First Annual Back To School Street Play Invitational, how could we say no?

We were privileged to spend a beautiful day in September on St. Nicholas Place between 152nd and 153rd Streets--the "Sugar Hill" section of Harlem--playing the games we know and love: stickball, hopscotch, skully, and jumprope. An old-school block-party atmosphere prevailed as hundreds of neighborhood kids and adults ate, laughed, and played in the street... in the very same place Willie Mays himself played stickball after day games at the Polo Grounds!

More evidence of the fun we had can be seen in the pictures below. Can Streetplay help you with your event? Please contact us and we'll figure it out.

Michael Mays (left) consults with Roberto Clemente Jr. before the festivities began
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Slow-pitch stickball was one of the first things people played--even before teams were chosen
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He likes the high pitch
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Let's hope she doesn't need the cane after learning to rollerblade
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Swing battah battah battah, swing battah
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Roberto puts some english on a pitch
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One of New York's Finest vies for the Jets' QB position
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The sidewalk proved the smoothest surface for skully
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Clemente shows he's a multiple-tool player
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The kids adopt skully as their own
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Classic double dutch...
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...and hopscotch
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Is that triple-dutch?
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Maybe it's quadruple-dutch
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A local PAL team is awarded season-capping trophies
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Former Yankee star Mickey Rivers (left, with officer) returns to his stomping grounds
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