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Steve Mercado, in tribute
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Pictures of Steve and stickball
Steve, Jim Rabb of the NYPD, and another firefighter, each hit the ball 300+ feet in this year's Stickball Classic kickoff Leading the firefighters team to victory in the 2001 Stickball Classic kickoff Steve swings for the Capitol at the 2001 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Steve as a member of the Extra Gold in this year's Bronx Stickball Classic Tournament Curtis Sliwa conferring with Steve and the captains of Bronx teams in deciding to call a rain date for the Bronx Stickball Classic Steve and Orlando Marín at the NY Emperors 2000 Memorial Day Tournament
Taking a big swing in the Memorial Day 2000 tournament Playing with The Gold, winning this year's San Diego tournament Addressing the crowd at the San Diego trophies ceremony

Steve Mercado tribute home Steve's ode to stickball and family A selection of Streetplay images of Steve Thoughts of Steve How you can help

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