include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/ssi_sptoday-no-whitespace.shtml" ?>
The voice of the people
Welcome to Streetplay's answer to the Harris poll! The Streetplay
QuickPoll is one our most popular features, so, by
popular demand, we present all the polls we've run. Vote on 'em all, let your
opinion be known and find out what others think!

Say the word spaldeen to someone.
If you get a blank stare, they're probably not from New York City, and/or they
probably didn't play in the street. But what the heck is a spaldeen? Tell us
your definition here.

Did you play with a spaldeen as a
kid? Do you still? Did you call it something else? Join the crowd and voice
your choice!

Kids take playing in the street seriously... but there are always exceptions
that would make any of us stop playing and do something else. We picked a few
popular diversions that might have made us stop playing; how do they compare
with your memory?

A customized skully cap is to a
skully player as a treasured baseball mitt is to a first baseman. What was
your preferred method... or did you do it at all?

Viterelli is an actor well known for playing mobsters, like "Jelly" in
Analyze This and "Vinnie the Shrimp" in Mickey Blue Eyes. When we met him at
the 2000 Welcome Back to Brooklyn Festival, it
got us thinking, "What kind of game would a goodfella like Joe would play as a

We hope you enjoy these polls; let us know
if you have ideas for new ones!