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A Playful World
Let's Play for Peace
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Playful World: Section guide

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• Recycled Toys

Game Descriptions & Stories
• Brazil
• London England
• Philly USA
• Spain

Photo Exhibits
• Haiti
• Belize
• Kids on Wheels
• Flying Kites
• Fun in the Water

Imagining an Optimistic Future

Afghan child playing with hoop
Click for bigger picture
Afghan child playing with hoop (photo by Martha Cooper)
What type of future do you imagine for yourself and your children. Is it a bright future in a world of peace and opportunity or is it fearful, shrouded by clouds of violence and war.

Imagination is a powerful tool. Often what we imagine we can build. If we use our imagination creatively it can open new possibilities for our own lives and to a small extent, help us influence the direction of our nation. Imagine a world of opportunity, where people respect others from different backgrounds and resolve their difference through discussion instead of violence. Where we remember what we love about our nation, are thankful for our blessings, respectful of other cultures and hopeful for the future.

Let's Play for Peace

Play is a wonderful human endeavor. In some activities, like flying kites, people are there simply to enjoy the experience. Competitive play gives us the chance to face an opponent and rise to a challenge. Team sports let us work with others and contribute to the common goal. Play is appreciated in all cultures and whether it’s an Olympics event or a neighborhood ball game, play offers us a way to experience the beauty of life with people we enjoy.

Streetplay has worked to promote this concept through our Playful World section and by donating materials to our troops and kids in Afghanistan (see story). We've also helped develop programs with schools in the US that use play to raise money for schools in Uganda (see

We are looking to partner with individuals and groups who want to promote this concept in other places as well. How can play help us we bridge the gaps in communication and culture? Please contact us if you have any suggestions.

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