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New Handball Organization
Focuses on Big Blue Ball

Sept 28, 1999
Tyrone Snell is definitely a man with a mission. His goal "to organize a new handball organization, specifically focusing on Big Blue play." He has been reaching out to players on local courts throughout the city, asking them to join "Our Own Handball Association" (OOHA)

There are several kinds of handball, even within the one-wall game. "Hardball," the most widely recognized form, is still often called "black ball," even though the black balls have been discontinued and replaced with small and somewhat softer blue ones. Big Blue is the game that uses the larger balls, closer in size to the old time Spaldeen. It is easier to learn and probably more popular on local courts.

According to Tyrone "The biggest issue is marketing. This is a great game, fast and exciting. If we could get sponsorships from some of the sports company's to help us promote this game, there would be a lot of public interest, particularly in Big Blue competitions," he said.

The OOHA is currently being funded solely from member dues ($1 per week), with the money collected being used for tournament prizes. The organization recently completed its first official tournament, a "B" player competition at the Thomas Edison Courts in Queens. For more information call (718)-465-7328 or E-Mail

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